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Estate Planning Services and Fees at Marshall Wills and Trusts

Initial Consultation

Begin your estate planning journey with a 30-minute introductory Teams call for free or pay £100 and you receive a session which includes comprehensive advice, a follow-up email with a bespoke estate planning recommendation, complete costings, and relevant factsheets. 

Book your Microsoft Teams Meeting here

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Will Writing Services

  • What is a Will? A legal document that details your wishes for your estate and beneficiaries after you pass. It can include guardianship designations for minor children.

  • Standard Will £150 and Mirror Will £275.

  • Cost of Writing a comprehensive Will? Individual Will: £250. Mirror Will for couples: £450. All wills include a Will Clarity Statement and Will Commentary for added protection.

Trust Planning Services

  • What is Trust Planning? Protects your assets from life events such as divorce, creditor claims, or care fees.

  • Cost of Trusts: Nil Rate Band Trust (RNRB): £650
    Discretionary Trust of Residue: £600
    Interest In Possession Trust: £500
    Business/Agricultural Trust: £395
     Gift Trust: £700
    Pension Trust: £395 
    Life Insurance Trust: £400 
    PPPT Property Trust (G'teed): £3995

Lasting Power of Attorney

  • What is a Lasting Power of Attorney? Allows designated individuals to make decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated.

  • Cost of Lasting Power of Attorney: Each LPA costs £225, with an additional £82 per power for registration with The Office of Public Guardian.

Severance of Tenancy

  • What is Severance of Tenancy? Adjusts property ownership terms, ideal for estate planning to protect assets from being used for care fees.

  • Cost of Severance of Tenancy: £145 + £10 for the land registry search.