Initial Consultation
Begin your estate planning journey with a 30-minute introductory Teams call for free or pay £100 and you receive a session which includes comprehensive advice, a follow-up email with a bespoke estate planning recommendation, complete costings, and relevant factsheets.
Book your Microsoft Teams Meeting here
Will Writing Services
What is a Will? A legal document that details your wishes for your estate and beneficiaries after you pass. It can include guardianship designations for minor children.
Standard Will £150 and Mirror Will £275.
Cost of Writing a comprehensive Will? Individual Will: £250. Mirror Will for couples: £450. All wills include a Will Clarity Statement and Will Commentary for added protection.
Trust Planning Services
What is Trust Planning? Protects your assets from life events such as divorce, creditor claims, or care fees.
Cost of Trusts: Nil Rate Band Trust (RNRB): £650
Discretionary Trust of Residue: £600
Interest In Possession Trust: £500
Business/Agricultural Trust: £395
Gift Trust: £700
Pension Trust: £395
Life Insurance Trust: £400
PPPT Property Trust (G'teed): £3995
Lasting Power of Attorney
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney? Allows designated individuals to make decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated.
Cost of Lasting Power of Attorney: Each LPA costs £225, with an additional £82 per power for registration with The Office of Public Guardian.
Severance of Tenancy
What is Severance of Tenancy? Adjusts property ownership terms, ideal for estate planning to protect assets from being used for care fees.
Cost of Severance of Tenancy: £145 + £10 for the land registry search.
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